How To Find A Patent Attorney: My Guide for Performing Your Own Patent Attorney Search, Part 5
How To Search For A Good Patent Attorney This is the fifth post in my series entitled “How To Find A Patent Attorney: My Guide for Performing Your Own Patent Attorney Search.” If you read the previous posts, you should be searching for a patent attorney at a firm of 20 attorneys or less with a strong technical background in your technology and at least two years of experience in the service that you need. You may also be searching by a preferred location. With this focus, it’s time to actually search for your patent attorney. At this point, things get interesting. Patent scam artists and large, expensive law firms can be extremely aggressive in their advertising. Don’t believe me? Type the words “patent attorney” into Google and look at all the ads. On the other hand, the best patent attorneys and law firms are reluctant to advertise or market. First, they don’t want to look like the scam artists and large, expensive law firms who advertise like crazy. Second, they feel like the best patent attorneys don’t need to advertise. Their preferred marketing technique is good word of mouth (WOM). When was the last time you saw a Rolls-Royce…