We Work To Help You Turn Your Ideas Into Assets

Questions You May Have About Patents
We Have Helped Clients In These Situations. Do You Need Something Similar?
Protect Your Idea And Attract Investment
(Filing Patent Applications)
- You have an idea on a napkin or a whiteboard.
- We work to help you draft 1 patent application, saving you up to 25% or more in service fees.
- You pitch your protected idea to investors and raise over 2 million dollars. Repeat as needed.
Getting Your Invention Back
(License an Invention And Patent It)
- You develop a great invention at a university, but the university just doesn’t get it.
- We work to help you get permission to patent your invention outside of the university.
- We work to help you protect your invention, saving you up to 25% or more in service fees, and you raise over $200,000 to build your business.
Get The Intellectual Property (IP) You Paid For
(Drafting IP Agreements)
- You pay an employee to create an innovative product or service – without a strong IP agreement in place.
- The employee quits, sets up a competing business, and steals your sales.
- We work to add IP provisions to your employment contracts, so you own the IP from now on.
Get The Service and Protection Your Business Needs
(Getting A Patent Application Issued)
- You pay a patent attorney at another firm to draft and file a patent application.
- You are surprised by the high bills and/or you can’t get your attorney to return your phone calls.
- We work to return your call, provide estimates in advance, and get your application issued as a U.S. Patent.